Ditulis dan dipostingkan : Kamis,29 Agustus 2013.
Recount Text is text that tells us about our experience or other experience in the past. Pengalaman sendiri atau pengalaman orang lain pada waktu lampau yang ditulis kembali.
Recount Text is text that tells us about our experience or other experience in the past. Pengalaman sendiri atau pengalaman orang lain pada waktu lampau yang ditulis kembali.
structure teks recount
- Orientation (orientasi) : berisi pendahuluan tentang tokoh yang ada dalam cerita tersebut, peristiwa yang terjadi, tempat dan waktu peristiwa itu terjadi.
- Events : berisi tentang jalinan peristiwa/kejadian yang ada dalam cerita pengalamn tersebut. Bagian ini bisa terdiri atas beberapa event/peristiwa.
- Re-orientation : berisi tentang rangkuman/penutup cerita.
teks recount :
- Menggunakan simple past tense (was, were, did, kata kerja bentuk ke-2)
- Sering diawali waktu lampau, misalnya : last week, yesterday, two days ago, dan lain-lain.
- Biasanya berisi tentang kegiatan liburan/wisata
- Tujuan teks recount yaitu it is to retell about events or experienced in the past.
adalah contoh teks recount
Keeping a Large Monkey
Mr. and Mrs.
Wilson once kept a large monkey he had brought from Kalimantan. The
monkey was very faithful to her masters and was very friendly to
their baby girl.
One day Mr.
and Mrs. Wilson went out to attend a wedding ceremony. They left
the baby to the monkey they had trusted as a baby sitter.
Suddenly a
fire broke out in the house. The door and the staircase were
already on fire.
All the
neighbours looked sadly at the windows of the room where the baby girl slept
in. Somebody ran for a ladder to reach the windows, but it was no
use now.
Just then
they saw a black hand open the window upstairs. Then came out the
monkey with the baby girl in her arms. Down she climbed. Slowly and
carefully she brought the baby out safely.
Kata yang
digaris bawahi merupakan bentuk simple past tense (kata kerja bentuk
ke-2, was dan were)
Went to Singapore
I want to tell you about my memorable time in Singapore. It was one of the best
holidays I ever had.
I shall never forget the
spectacular sight of the city I saw from Mount Fable that night. The
roller-coaster ride, the stunts performed by the dolphins and the killer whale
at the Sea World were also exciting. I shall remember the thrill of having been
on one of the longest rides in the monorail in Sentosa Island for many years to
I also enjoyed various varieties of seafood at the makeshift roadside stalls at
the Chinatown night market. I also enjoyed the shopping trips. My family and
friends agreed that the souvenirs were value for money, especially the silk
scarves with pretty prints and the attractive key chains.
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