Ditulis dan dipostingkan : Selasa,27 Agustus 2013
Contoh Naskah Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris durasi 5-6 menit. Ditulis oleh P Damin, salah satu guru Bahasa Inggris SMPN 1 Kayen.
Contoh Naskah Pidato dalam Bahasa Inggris durasi 5-6 menit. Ditulis oleh P Damin, salah satu guru Bahasa Inggris SMPN 1 Kayen.
Honorable the
Honorable the
teachers of junior high school from .......
And my beloved
Assalamualaikum Wrwb.
Good morning/
Good afternoon/Good Evening.
Thanks for the
time that given to me. Let me introduce myself.
My name is ..................
I’m from ...................
Ladies and Gentlemen whom we fully respect.
At this time, I would like to make speech about “Let’s Go Green”.
We should start
thinking deeply about the destruction of our nature at this time.
Recently, there are some people who are not responsible to cut down
the trees in the forests. They do the illegal logging. A long time ago,
Indonesian forests are like unbroken green carpet if we see the forests from
sky. But now, there are some bare patches in our forests.
Ladies and Gentlemen whom we fully respect,
What will happen
if there are not a lot of trees in the forests? In the wet season, there will
be flood in some Indonesian places. In dry season, there will be draught.
Ladies and gentlemen whom we fully respect,
Today, there are many fabrics and factories in Indonesia. The bad
effects of fabrics and factories are wastes. The factories wastes will pollute
and contaminate the air, the water, and the land. The air becomes hotter and
hotter. It is very dangerous for human beings.
Ladies and Gentlemen whom we fully respect.
How to overcome these problems?
Let’s Go Green.
Once again I say Let’s Go Green. The government and Indonesian people should
plant a lot of trees in the forests. We do not allow irresponsible people who
do illegal logging. “Death punishment “should be given to the people who do
illegal logging. We can plant some trees and flowers in our gardens. By doing
so, the oxygen supply will be enough for us. It will also reduce the global
warming, the flood and the draught.
Okay the audience. Thanks for your attention. See you next and good bye.
Wassalamualaikum wrwb.
let’s :
mari kita
honorable :
the juries = the judges :
regency :
beloved :
friends = mate =
companion : teman
introduce :
my self :
diri sendiri
make speech :
start thinking
deeply : mulai berfikir mendalam
destruction = broken = damage = misty : kerusakan
nature :
recently :
baru-baru ini
responsible :
tanggung jawab
cut down :
trees = plants = crops :
forests = jungle = wood :
do the illegal
logging : melakukan penebangan liar
unbroken green
carpet : karpet hijau mulus
sky :
happen = occur = take place = is going on : terjadi
wet season :
musim penghujan
flood :
places :
tempat -tempat
in dry season :
di musim kemarau
draught :
bad effects :
pengaruh yang jelek
factories wastes
limbah pabrik
pollute = contaminate :
dangerous :
human beings = people = person = man : manusia
overcome :
problems = matters :
do not allow = do not permit :
tidak mengijinkan
irresponsible :
tidak tanggung jawab
death punishment
hukuman mati
should be given :
seharusnya diberikan
by doing so :
dengan melakukan yang demikian
supply :
enough :
reduce = lessen :
global warming :
pemanasan global
audience = viewer = watcher = on looker : pemirsa
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