Written and posted : 23 September 2010.
The 198 teachers from six different subjects Mathematics,English,Indonesian Language,Science,History and PKn are competing in the sparate rooms at Safari Garden Hotel. Three juries for each subject gives judgement for the media result made and the report of classroom action research made by the participants. Each participant will present his/her writing for about 20 minutes and the questions will come from the 4 other audience for 15 minutes.
In English Class, all the teachers must present his/her presentation in English and the questions must be in English.The juries from English are Dr. Nunung Nurlaela Sari from SMPN 11 Jakarta, Supardjo,M.Ed. from English Department of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) and Dr. Gunadi Harry Sulistyo,M.A. from English Department of State University of Malang . Coming to this event,of course, every teacher wants to be the first winner but it is impossible for all of them because there will be only three winners: the first ,the second and the third winners.
The most important thing that we get from this event is that the participant can meet new friends from other region from other province in Indonesia, can share our experiences in creating a media and use it in teaching and learning the process for improving the quality of teaching, can promote and improve the brotherhood among the Indonesian citizens especially the teachers.
And for us, as English teachers, we can gain something benefit from this event : we can improve our listening, speaking, writing and reading. We are able to know better how to write The Classroom Action Researh. In the opening ceremony, we sang The Indonesia Raya song. By singing this National Indonesian Authem, we will always keep our nationalism to be one nation, one country. Unity in Deversity. Long Life Education and Long Life Indonesia.
The above picture is three juries and the 35 English participants who joint this activity.
( Written by Damin at Safari Garden Hotel, an English Teacher of SMPN 1 Kayen, Pati, Central Java).
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